SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, May 20, 2021 – 11:00 am to 12:00 pm – Webinar Mission Dubai 2021 Special #Cosmetics
On the occasion of the Mission Dubai 2021 organized by Export Pulse & CLASSE EXPORT from October 3 to 6, 2021, we propose a “special cosmetics” webinar, where we will discuss about the Mission Dubai, EXPO2020DUBAI, the French Pavilion France Dubai 2020, the Beautyworld Middle East trade show, the #United Arab Emirates, with a special focus on #dubai, the advantages of this #middleeast zone, how to take advantage of the mission to accelerate the #export development of your company and meet new partners and customers.
Join us on Thursday, May 20 from 11 am to 12 pm to talk about this very operational mission.
Free webinar registration (open to all companies in the ecosystem of beauty products, cosmetics, perfumery, wellness …)
Moreover, if you are interested to be a sponsor for this mission in a digital format (conference), physical format (mission) or both (premiums), do not hesitate to come back to us and take advantage of the special sponsor brochure with all our information.
TTE Gulf