After our EXPO Mission Dubai 2021 Special Light where we were able to welcome a group of French companies, it is with great pleasure to welcome the Cluster managers and members of Cluster de Iluminación CICAT, Cluster Lumière & LUCE IN VENETO, respectively, coming from Spain 🇪🇸, France 🇫🇷 and Italy 🇮🇹. European Lighting Cluster Alliance for Internationalisation (ELCA4i) is an international project with the Spanish Cluster, the French Cluster and the Italian Cluster, the project is to discover the export to Canada, USA, Japan & UAE. We were happy to welcome for a 3 days mission in Dubai the members of the 3 clusters. The delegations were able to exchange with local decision-makers and actors on their unique know-how during BtoB meetings in their offices in Dubai.
TTE Gulf