There are many ways a businessman can offer incentives to his employees. Being a businessman and having some employees hired in your company, you can offer your employees incentives for their performance, profit sharing, and bonuses as well.
There is no doubt that giving bonuses in an organization has never been an easy task to perform. It has numerous pros and cons and on one side it is in your favor and similarly on the other side, it is totally against you. Still, when you offer some additional money in terms of bonus, it pleases the employees. All you need to do is to properly manage your bonus scheme and distribute accordingly. This can provide real motivation among your employees.
You can offer bonus to your employees analyzing different factor including their attendance, quality of work they provide, communication, behavior, learning skills, business they generate, and for many other reasons.
You can also fix their bonus to be safe from any mismanagement. You can provide equal profit to all profit sharing. You can share some ratio of your profit on business as bonus to all of your employees. One advantage of this scheme is that then all the employees will strive more to get maximum bonus and it is indeed in favor of your organization. But, it may also go wrong if the employees are in thousands.
You can also set bonus as commission. It means every employee who will sell your products or services will get some commission from the sale. This scheme will surely encourage every individual employee to acquire maximum sales to get maximum commission. But you need to have a proper management scenario in your company to sort every sale of every individual. It may create problem for you when you have sales in thousands.
You can also offer special bonuses to your most senior employees to for being in your company for a long time. You can also set a yearly, half-yearly, Christmas bonus for your employees.
Anyhow, no matter how or in what way you offer, you better offer at least one bonus to your employees in a year. It will encourage them and will also increase their potential to work as everybody loves to work from where they are getting adequate amount of money. And, to satisfy your employees is more than important than satisfying your clients because once the employees are satisfied, they will surely make clients satisfied too.
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